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Speaker: Michelle Royal


Our speaker Michelle Royal is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer of RIDG (Royal Innovation Design Group). She is a self-made speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur, who was raised in the growing Subway franchise empire.

She is an innovation expert with over 20 years of experience, specializing in using visualization and facilitation to create breakthroughs in state of mind and behavior. Michelle is also an artist, that brings visual stories together to unlock the latent collective power of organizations and individuals.

Michelle Royal has worked with C-Suite executives to align teams identifying and implementing ideas yielding million-dollar returns.

She built RIDG using her collective knowledge and unique methods to help companies address the critical levers for innovation success, identified by Harvard Business Review, as the essential leadership skills for Chief Innovation Officers:

  • Supporting best practices and methodologies.
  • Helping individuals generate ideas and solve the right problems.
  • Developing employee skills.
  • Supporting new product and service initiatives.
  • Identifying new market spaces.
  • Directing seed funding.
  • Designing shelter for promising projects.

Michelle holds a Masters of Business Innovation (MBI) from the Deusto Business School in Bilbao, Spain and a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is also a Senior Fellow at the Alliance for Innovation and served as the first-ever Innovation Coach to the European Union.