Michael Gass. He’s been doing this for a bit.
We wanted to talk about Coronavirus, specifically how agencies should communicate and how they should position themselves.
First off, what I have to say is he’s a professional. He’s got family directly affected by the crisis. But he still came on the show.
And his advice during the crisis— don’t sell or prospect. Prepare for new business. Help others and add value. Support them in any way you can. Sure this goes without saying, but it’s worth saying again. He also offered some dos and don’ts for social media during this storm.
What else should agencies do? Take the time to figure out your positioning. Michael believes this is the foundation for new business. We also took a deeper dive into Michael’s approach. He lays out how to do it. And he should know. He’s held over 450 workshops working with agencies on how to do this.
He also gives me some advice on content creation that’ll more than likely help you. Granted, these are things I’ve heard before, but when it comes from Michael, it resonates.
Join us for episode 13 where we chat with one of my favorite Alabamians about what your agency can do in the crisis with your social media and positioning.
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Show Notes
- Michael’s Blog ► https://www.fuelingnewbusiness.com/
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